Message to the Membership: Phase II of Opening the Lake Friday 5 pm

Message to the Membership:
On March 26th at 8 a.m., a dark cloud descended on Lake Norman when Mecklenburg County issued a “Stay at Home” order and essentially shut down business here in the Lake Region except for what was deemed essential businesses. That was quickly followed by the State of North Carolina doing the same. These last eight weeks since the County Stay at Home order has been devastating to our regional economy.
Today at 5 pm, the State of North Carolina moves into Phase II or as the Governor refers to it, “Safer at Home.” Many of our Lake Norman restaurants will be able to open for inside dining, although exercising safe distancing and following strict procedures to provide a safe environment for employees and diners. I am looking forward myself to my first Lake Norman dining experience in many weeks this evening!
As one of our local restaurateurs and entrepreneurs Jon Dressler, owner of Dressler’s in Huntersville said in a post on Face Book earlier today, “Here comes the sun…” The clouds of the past week have lifted, the sun is shining, and we can feel a difference in the day as many of our local businesses open back up at the lake. The storms which ravaged our communities and nation are beginning to subside, both physically and figuratively, as states open back up and we get our economy rolling again.
In a call this morning to WSIC News Local Biz Now, Senator Thom Tillis talked about how important it is to make sure our local business owners have the resources they need to get their business back in operation. Make no mistake – this is not a partisan issue. Business in not about red or blue, it is about green, and we need to get our businesses healthy and prosperous again!
As President of our Chamber of Commerce, I encourage you, IF you feel comfortable, please consider showing your support of local business by Shopping Lake Norman or Going out to Dinner or Lunch. If you do not feel comfortable yet, or your health just doesn’t allow it, consider ordering online. However, whether staying home or going out – please take all the precautions to remain safe and healthy.
For all of our business owners – please consult our #REStartLKN Guide on the website as you open your business. If you are open, consider sharing that with our Chamber Staff so we can let our members and the public know you are Open for Business! Also consult our page on local cleaning companies that can help you sanitize your business.
Personally, I am disappointed our gyms, fitness centers, cycling, martial arts, entertainment venues, bars, museums, and playgrounds remain closed. As a Chamber, we will continue to advocate for an early opening to these valuable businesses.
That said, we have made a big step in our road to recovery. Make no mistake – we will recover and when the generations look back on 2020, much like we do on the Greatest Generation, they will remark on how we never gave up and we never gave in. We gave it our personal best – and would settle for nothing less.
Be Safe, God Bless, and remember our Veterans and those who paid the ultimate price for our freedom this Memorial Day,
W.E. "Bill" Russell, CCE, IOM
President & CEO
Lake Norman Chamber of Commerce
704-892-1922 (o)